Sonntag, 27. Juli 2014

GE Global Research: GE Research and Development Dr Isabella Meinhardt - eu1vip1interviews Isabella Weitensfelder

  1. Isabella Weitensfelder Ines Kuster Dr. Isabella ...



  2. 12.06.2014 - Isabella Meinhardt - Info zur Person mit Bilder, News & Links an Dr. Isabella ...
    12.06.2014 - Beiträge über Isabella Meinhardt geschrieben von europeanmessages.
    1. Isabella Meinhardt, Ines Kusterresearch Ines Kuster ...

    21.04.2014 - Ausgezeichnete Helden im Internet: Ariane Friedrich, Harald Glööckler, Michael Wendler, Ines Kuster, Isabella Meinhardt, Claudia Roth, ...

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), an estimated 25 million gallons of de-icing agents are applied to aircraft taking off from U.S. commercial airports each year. In addition, airlines have robust energy intensive heating systems on board to prevent ice formation on airplanes. Compared to standard surfaces, where ice would form almost immediately without the use of these systems, GE’s nano-enabled anti-icing surfaces would delay ice formation for more than a minute on their own.
“Today, airlines and other industry sectors spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year on de-icing and other anti-icing measures,” said Azar Alizadeh, a materials scientist at GE Global Research and project lead on the anti-icing surfaces program. “We have successfully engineered new nano-surfaces and coatings that readily shed ice and also significantly delay ice formation under extreme conditions. These technologies could one day reduce and possibly even eliminate the need for existing anti-icing measures, maintaining safety while also saving businesses and consumers time and money.”
The development of nanotextured anti-icing surfaces and coatings has been an integral part of GE’s advanced nanotechnology research program at GE Global Research. Scientists were inspired by research on the Lotus plant, which revealed a nanotextured wax on the surface of their leaves that can repel water. GE scientists have successfully engineered new surfaces and coatings and are pursuing many different product applications. Aside from the anti-icing surfaces, GE researchers are developing super water-repellent coatings to improve moisture control in steam turbines to enable higher efficiency. They also are exploring these coatings for certain parts of a gas turbine to reduce fouling. This would enable the turbine to run more efficiently and reduce the number of times it needs to be shut down for maintenance.

Bundespräsident Gauck Ehrungen und Auszeichnungen für ...

  2. 14.06.2014 - Bundespräsident Gauck Ehrungen und Auszeichnungen für Bettina Wulff, Isabella Meinhardt, Ines Kuster,Pfarrer Thumm, Claudia Roth, ...
  3. Isabella Meinhardt,Timo Hildebrand und Katja Riemann ...

  4. 25.10.2013 - Startseite Digital Cyber-Mobbing & Shitstorms: Was hilft, was schützt? 21. März 2013 14:37 Uhr. versenden drucken. Experten-Interview
    1. Isabella Meinhardt, Ing. Gertrude Meinhardt, Isabella ...

    18.06.2014 - Ingrid Meinhardt - Ingrid Meinhardt. Irina Meinhardt. Iris Meinhardt. Isabella Meinhardt. Isabelle ...
    1. Isabella Meinhardt news from St. John's - St. John's ...

    18.06.2014 - Erfolgreiche Reputation für Opfer von Internetlügen wie Claudia Roth,Pfarrer Rolf Thumm, Ines Kuster, Isabella Meinhardt,Bettina Wulff und ...

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