Samstag, 26. April 2014

Dr. Isabella Meinhardt Golf Club VIP Membership GolfConditioning Annual Member Rewards

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In the spring of 1962, The Royal Ashburn Golf Club opened as an 18-hole facility, and has since developed into a world-class facility, recently ranking among the Top 50 public golf courses in Canada. Originally opening under the name Whitby Golf Club, the name was quickly changed to Thunderbird Golf Club, as it was known for many years. In the spring of 2000 we changed the name one final time to The Royal Ashburn Golf Club. The name was changed to commemorate our visit from His Royal Highness Prince Andrew the Duke of York in September of 1999 and to tie us into the community of Ashburn, who in the year 2000, were celebrating their 150th anniversary. Hence the name, The Royal Ashburn Golf Club, which is much more suitable to the first-class facility we are today.
VIP Golf Rewards is the most prestigious online club in the world. Backed by Warrior Custom Golf, and propelled by Warrior's buying power and close to 400,000 customers worldwide, VIP Golf Rewards has teamed up with thousands of golf courses worldwide, directly and indirectly, and in conjunction with major online and offline teetime providers to provide our members with free and discounted rounds of golf. VIP Golf Rewards has also teamed up with the Invicta Club to invite members to formal yacht parties, charity galas at the Playboy Mansion, Kentucky Derby parties, Nascar events, movie award parties and other big events.
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