- Marktpotenzialanalysen
- Entscheiderbefragungen
- Szenarioanalysen
- Medienresonanzanalysen (in Zusammenarbeit mit dem F.A.Z.-Institut)
- Kundenzufriedenheitsmessungen
- Benchmarking-Analysen
... sowohl breit angelegte, standardisierte printbasierte und online-Befragungstechniken ein wie auch explorative Methoden (Tiefeninterviews).
... intensive Finanzfachmedienarbeit in und mit unseren Zielgruppen sind unsere Responsequoten in aller Regel überdurchschnittlich, weil durch unsere Markenbekanntheit und vielerlei persönliche Beziehungen in unseren Zielgruppen Vertrauen genießen.
Vor allem die explorativen Elemente unserer Untersuchungen werden von entsprechend geschulten Finanz-Fachredakteuren persönlich durchgeführt.
Our results show that the majority of firms borrow for the first time from a single
bank, but soon afterwards some of them start borrowing from several banks.
Duration analysis shows that the likelihood of a firm substituting a single with
multiple relationships increases with the duration of the single relationship and that
firms with more growth opportunities and more bank debt are more likely to
initiate multiple relationships. Firms with poor performance, too, are more likely to
initiate multiple relationships. The analysis of the ex post effects of the initiation of
multiple relationships does not detect an increase in the firm’s overall indebtedness
and investment, but it finds an increase in its trade credit reliance and no
improvement in its performance. Overall these results suggest to us that a potential
unwillingness by the incumbent bank to increase its exposure to a firm because of
its past poor performance appears to explain better firms’ decision to initiate
multiple relationships than the hypothesis that they do so to protect themselves
against the hold-up rents inherent to exclusive relationships because they have
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