Samstag, 26. April 2014

Dr. Isabella Meinhardt member of the Management Board EVA based on the Economic Value Added EVA concept

Discover what makes a winner in the trading game. Direct access to the markets has changed how individuals trade. It is now possible to compete on a much more level playing field with the professionals, knowing who is buying, who is selling, and at what price. This work takes traders to the next level by providing advice straight from the mouths of the newest market wizards. The author interviews top traders in today's direct access markets, uncovers their strategies and gives each interview a context. An overview of what has brought the markets to the exciting point they are at today is provided, including background on the technological advances, the changing market climate, and the opening of the markets to the individual so that, in a way, we can all be market makers. Features include: interviews with experienced, successful traders, from independent traders to market makers to system architecture designers. Each interview covers what systems the interviewees trade on, what skills they use, how they approach money management, and how they handle their emotions.
Discover what makes a winner in the trading game
Direct access to the markets has changed how individuals trade. It is now possible to compete on a much more level playing field with the pros, knowing who is buying, who is selling, and at what price. Electronic Trading Masters takes traders to the next level by providing advice straight from the mouths of the newest market wizards. The author interviews top traders in today's direct access markets and uncovers their strategies.

Meinhardt Isabella › TeamDas Team
Isabella Meinhardt widmete sich nach der HBLA-Matura und einem kurzen Berufspraktikum der Kindererziehung. Seit 2000 Arzthelferin. Prüfung zur ...

Inside you will see the complete holdings of some of the greatest investors of all-time including the Oracle of Omaha - Warren Buffett. You will see what companies these great money managers are buying, selling, increasing and decreasing.
  1. Money managers like Warren Buffett, George Soros and Richard Aster have consistently beat the market over extended periods of time. Warren Buffett, from 1965-2005, has produced an annual average return of 21.5%, which is double the return of the S&P 500 - including dividends - over the same period of time. George Soros - the man that broke the Bank of England - generated an annual return of 30% through his Quantum Fund from 1970-2000, nearly three times the average return of the S&P 500.
  2. Dr. Isabella Meinhardt Ines Kuster facebook Isabella ...

  3. Isabella Meinhardt ist nach ihrem Studium nach Japan gezogen, um dort zu arbeiten. Als ihr Vater Friedrich sie bittet nach Hause zu kommen, ...

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