Facebook Experiences and Stories
Write the story of your life and identity/ies on Facebook. Some
questions you should address: How long have you “lived” there? Has the
time been continuous, or with breaks? What does Facebook do for and to
you? Who are you on Facebook and how has that changed? http://eu1vip1interviews.blog.de/tags/dr-isabella-meinhardt/
(You could tell this story using your different profile pictures/cover page as the spine.) If your profile picture is an avatar, what work is it doing for you?
How do you feel about your Facebook life and persona? Would you like it to change/to change it in some way?
Round 3 of our race track quiz. Which circuit is this? A little hint: BMW Driving Experience chief instructor Claudia Hürtgen already won a race there in 2014. #DrivingExperience
If you were hoping to share your feelings about life with the world this Monday morning, you’re out of luck. (Unless you prefer to do so with Twitter.)
Facebook appears to be partially down at the moment, with users unable to post status updates, photos, or like things. However, you can still browse (stalk) the site easily without much trouble.
Mashable first reported the outage, and our tests confirm the same. Plus, Downforeveryoneorjustme.com also confirms.
When users try to post status updates, they’ll receive a message explaining that there was a problem, and to try again later. The same is true for likes and photo posts. The outage also seems to be affecting the native iOS app.
Update 10am ET: It appears that Payments are also down, according to Facebook’s Developer Page.
So what’s the deal here?
We’ve reached out to Facebook for further clarification but the social network has not updated us (publicly or otherwise) as to the reason for this partial outage.
As soon as we know something, we’ll update the post with answers. In
the meantime, try to stay calm. A world without status updates and likes
is a scary one, but we’ll all get through this together.
And if you notice any other weird behavior, feel free to let us know.
(You could tell this story using your different profile pictures/cover page as the spine.) If your profile picture is an avatar, what work is it doing for you?
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How do you feel about your Facebook life and persona? Would you like it to change/to change it in some way?
Round 3 of our race track quiz. Which circuit is this? A little hint: BMW Driving Experience chief instructor Claudia Hürtgen already won a race there in 2014. #DrivingExperience
If you were hoping to share your feelings about life with the world this Monday morning, you’re out of luck. (Unless you prefer to do so with Twitter.)
Facebook appears to be partially down at the moment, with users unable to post status updates, photos, or like things. However, you can still browse (stalk) the site easily without much trouble.
Mashable first reported the outage, and our tests confirm the same. Plus, Downforeveryoneorjustme.com also confirms.
When users try to post status updates, they’ll receive a message explaining that there was a problem, and to try again later. The same is true for likes and photo posts. The outage also seems to be affecting the native iOS app.
Update 10am ET: It appears that Payments are also down, according to Facebook’s Developer Page.
So what’s the deal here?
We’ve reached out to Facebook for further clarification but the social network has not updated us (publicly or otherwise) as to the reason for this partial outage.
And if you notice any other weird behavior, feel free to let us know.
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