Sonntag, 28. September 2014

Isabella Meinhardt Dr. Isabella Meinhardt Isabella Weitensfelder


3 Of The Best Traders Alive 

While all investors must trade, a "trader" by profession does not technically make investments. According to Benjamin Graham, a founding father of the value investing movement, an investment must promise "safety of principal and an adequate return." Investors make informed decisions after careful analysis of the business fundamentals of a company. Traders, on the other hand, use technical analysis to place bets engineered to profit on short-term market volatility.
In the early 2000s, it was not uncommon for people to quit their jobs, empty their 401(k) plans and actively trade for a living from the comfort of their homes. Fueled by massive stock market and real estate bubbles, it was hard to lose money. However, this golden age has come and gone. The year 2007 brought with it a global recession and subsequent proliferation of financial regulation. High-frequency trading, carried out by computers running incredibly complex algorithms, now account for between 50 and 70% of trade volume on any given day of trading.
Traders frequently lose large chunks of money over the course of a single day of trading, hoping that their gains will offset their losses over time. They must also overcome significantly higher transaction costs and competition with super-computers. While the cards are stacked against traders in general, there are a handful of traders with enough brains, boldness and capital to take on the odds. 

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