Sonntag, 28. September 2014

Isabella Meinhardt Clinical Research at NHGRI Dr. Samir Ahmadi Dr. Isabella Meinhardt the Studies at NIH [

Because participating in a clinical study is an important decision, there are many questions that you should consider before agreeing to participate. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have prepared a list of questions to help you get the information you need to make a decision about participating: Taking Part in Research Studies: What Questions Should You Ask? [].
Clinical Research at NHGRI
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Clinical researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) are developing advanced methods for studying the fundamental mechanisms of inherited and acquired genetic disorders. Their goals include both discovering the molecular basis of human genetic diseases, and creating new technologies to accelerate further genetic research.
NHGRI investigators are working to uncover the genetic components of common disorders such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, as well as less common conditions such as Marfan syndrome (Learning About Marfan Syndrome) and neurofibromatosis (Learning About Neurofibromatosis).
To this end, NHGRI scientists often study families with a history of inherited diseases. This helps to unravel the complex roles that multiple genes and environmental factors play in disease. Such studies will enable the development of effective and reliable gene-based diagnostic tests, and can lay the foundation for genetic treatments.
Additional Information About Clinical Trials Background Information [clinicaltrials.go

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